When did FSCS coverage begin?

Important dates

Investment claims

If your claim relates to business conducted before 28 August 1988, we're unlikely to be able to help you, as there was no investor compensation scheme in the UK before this date.

Mortgage advice and arranging

If your claim relates to business conducted before 31 October 2004, we're unlikely to be able to help you as FSCS didn't protect these activities before this date.

For claims relating to insurance intermediaries

If your claim relates to business conducted before 14 January 2005, we're unlikely to be able to help you as FSCS didn't protect these activities before this date.

For all claims before 1 December 2001

Slightly different rules apply if you have a claim against a firm that was insolvent or declared in default before FSCS became operational (1 December 2001). In this case, the claim would be covered by the rules governing the previous scheme (see below), although we'll still handle your claim. Compensation limits and eligibility rules may differ.

Previous compensation schemes

  • The Deposit Protection Scheme.
  • The Policyholders Protection Scheme.
  • The Investors Compensation Scheme.

Previous regulators

FSCS can only consider claims against firms that were authorised by the UK regulator at the time the advice was given. The UK's regulators are the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). They replaced previous regulators, including:

  • The Financial Services Authority.
  • The Personal Investment Authority.
  • The Securities and Investment Board.
  • The Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Authority (FIMBRA).
  • The Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation (LAUTRO).
  • The Securities and Futures Authority.